Grass Stains from Shoes

6 Ways to Remove Grass Stains from Shoes

We all know that playing or walking outdoors is also about dealing with not just mud stains but also grass stains. Even though you do your best to maintain the cleanliness of your clothes, at the end of the day, visible stains and dirt are visible. Shoes are also very susceptible of dirt and stains. One of the most common problems is the stain from grass. But there is nothing to fret as we have gathered the easy ways on how to remove grass stains from shoes.

Ways to Remove Grass Stains from Shoes

If you or your children want to play outdoors, there is no need to worry as there are many easy ways to remove grass stains from shoes.

#1 Rubbing Alcohol

One of the safest ways to remove grass stains from shoes is the use of rubbing alcohol. It is also great to have rubbing alcohol as it also works on grass stains on knees and jeans. You may need to exert a lot of effort to remove the stains. Simply pour enough amount of rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball or sponge and rub the stains. Another method is to use a spray bottle and spray on the parts of the shoes with stains.

#2 Vinegar

Removing grass stains with vinegar is also effective. Since vinegar is always available at home, it is easy to remove grass stains from shoes as you only need to check your kitchen. Applying vinegar can eliminate stubborn grass stains as well as mud stains. To use vinegar:

Combine one third cup of vinegar with two thirds of warm water.
Use a spray bottle or sponge or cloth to apply the mixture directly. Rub your shoes to remove the stains.
Apply vinegar again when needed.
Once the stains are gone, you can wash already your shoes.

#3 Laundry Detergent

You can use your laundry detergent to remove grass stains from shoes. However, you will have to apply concentrated in order to completely remove them. It may also require you to use a lot of your laundry detergent before you are able to remove the stains.

Just keep in mind that alkaline detergents may keep the green stains permanent while those with de-greasing against are not effective. If you are not sure about your laundry detergent, it is best to skip this method. But there are still many laundry detergents that can remove grass stains from shoes such as regular bleach. You will just have to be extra careful to prevent discoloration or damages. To apply laundry detergent:

Pour enough amount of your laundry detergent directly on the grass stains.
Use an old toothbrush or cloth to rub the stains.
Allow your detergent to sit for at least fifteen minutes before washing.
After fifteen minutes, place your shoes with your normal load.

#4 Peroxide and Bleach

Another powerful product that you can use is Peroxide. Mixing it with bleach can help in removing green colors but you will have to be very careful depending on the materials used on your shoes. To use bleach and peroxide:

Mix ¼ cup of bleach, ¼ up of peroxide and ¾ cup of water into a bowl. Mix the solution.
Pour the solution into a spray bottle for easy use or you can also use a sponge or clean cloth. Make sure to avoid contact to the skin.
Allow it to sit for half an hour. You may also leave it on overnight.
Wash your shoes.
You may have to repeat the steps when necessary until the grass stains are eliminated.

#5 Baking Soda

Another method to remove grass stains from your shoes is applying baking soda. Simply use an old toothbrush, make it wet and rub the stains from your shoes with baking soda. Rinse your shoes when finished.

#6 Stain Removers

If the solutions above did not work, you can always purchase a grass stain remover. However, you need to consider the quality of your shoes as well as the materials as stain removers contain harsh chemicals. Even though these products are very easy to use, make sure to also read the instructions and descriptions of stain removers before you purchase them.

Some stains may not disappear. It is always best to remove them as early as you can. When you get grass stains again, simply follow the methods above.

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